Thursday, September 4, 2008

ESPN All Chick Fantasy Football League

As is likely clear from the lack of recent posts from me, I have been quite busy, mainly due to my job which involves consulting on political campaigns. I still can't believe I get paid to tell candidates what to do, but it does get quite busy in these months. Sorry, blog. However, I will still always find time for fantasy football. One of my five teams (sorry, job) this year is a fun little thing that I will try to keep y'all updated on as the season progresses: The ESPN Fantasy Focus All Chick League.

For anyone who doesn't know (and probably the only five people that read this have heard me talk about this multiple times, but whatever), there is a fabulous ESPN podcast hosted by Matthew Berry and Nate Ravitz, called Fantasy Focus: Football (there's also a baseball version which is quite good as well). Covering daily fantasy football news, opinions and analysis, combined with lots of talk about Beverly Hills 90210, it is an all-around enjoyable podcast. Even better, they read my emails about fantasy football on the air. Sweet!

Every season, they run a "Man's League" where listeners can apply to play in a fantasy league against their producer, whom they despise. This year, entry to the Man's league was dependent on a $25 donation to The Jimmy V. Foundation, an explanation as to why you were qualified for the Man's League, and a Beverly Hills 90210 themed team name. Now, I was DYING to play in this league, but have never seen a single episode of 90210.* I decided that I would apply anyways, so I made my donation to Jimmy V. (I hate cancer) and explained that I would love to play, but knew nothing about 90210, except that Tori Spelling probably sucked.

Now, you cannot just skirt the authority of a podcast and apply for things all willy-nilly, so I did not get into the Man's league.. however, I was selected for the newly created "All Chicks League," which will feature Stephania Bell and Alex Roman representing ESPN and nine other chicks. I am honored to have had my application selected from amidst the literally tens of others chicks who both play fantasy football AND listen to a podcast about it, so hooray! Thanks, ESPN!

The draft for the league is tonight at 10pm.. everyone cross your fingers I can get Tatum Bell and his fast hands.

*I suppose this makes me more of a man than anyone who could create a 90210 themed nickname, but alas.

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