Oh yes, it's that time of year. Spring training has just begun and invites to fantasy leagues are being sent out. The last of the free agents are signing and in a few short weeks, major league rosters will be finalized. But what about your roster? Those of you with the number one pick in your draft this year will have one less superstar to consider. As if being the center of yet another steroid scandal hasn't been bad enough, Alex Rodriguez needs to have surgery on his hip and will be out at least 10 weeks. At least. So the question is, is A-Rod now a second round pick? A third? And furthermore, who now goes first in the draft?

There are obviously a bunch of factors to consider. Will he be back in the beginning of May or will his rehab take longer? Will the power be there immediately or will it take until July for him to start racking up home runs? Will he risk stealing bases and re-injuring the hip? (He had 18 thefts last season.) That's two of the five categories right there. That leaves average, runs batted in and hits. Now you also need to look at the position he plays. By my accounts, David Wright, Aramis Ramirez, Kevin Youkilis and Evan Longoria should all be taken before Rodriguez. You could even consider Chipper Jones just because of the great batting average. After that however, third base really drops off although a lot of "experts" are high on that kid Chris Davis from the Rangers. So putting all of that together, there's no real reason to take A-Rod in the first two rounds.
But here's the X-factor. What if Alex Rodriguez has been on steroids this whole time? AND, will he try to take HGH to help in his recovery and risk getting caught? For the rest of his career, he will be under a microscope. Now this isn't the time or the place to get into how he was essentially thrown under the bus by having his name released from supposed confidential tests. (Are we ever going to see those other 103 names?) But if you believe him when he said he stopped taking the banned substances before he played for the Yankees, well, you're just a glass full kinda guy/gal. You might be the person to take him with your second pick. Me? I'm shying away from him altogether. Plus he bangs Madonna. Ewwwww.
Finally, you have to factor in the draft process. If you've taken an outfielder and a starting pitcher already, and it's late in the third round? You might be more inclined to take a chance. Also, are you in a snake draft or auction league? Luckily for us in the fantasy baseball world, this announcement came early enough to prepare a strategy.
So now that he's not first pick/round material, who looks like a solid choice? The consensus choice for the top five, in no particular order are David Wright, Jose Reyes, Hanley Ramirez, Albert Pujols and Ryan Braun. All upper echelon talents to be sure. At first glance you could make a case for any one of them especially since only two of them play the same position. But take a closer look at those names. Now, remember how Bud Selig is big ol' pile of suckage. All but one of those guys has their March calenders filled with a little something extra besides spring training.
The World Baseball Classic.
Take a quick look at the stats of major league players from three years ago that participated in the WBC. Notice something a little odd? Maybe at bats are down? Hmmm? Power numbers not looking so hot?
Albert Pujols was the only one of the top five candidates to say nope.com (copyright Kevin and Bean) this year. And his stats won't suffer because of it. Sure Hanley Ramirez is 25 years old, but come early August, he's going to be feeling more fatigued than Pujols. Yeah, Wright, Braun and Reyes are all young too, but for me, Pujols is the answer. No one has been more consistent than the Cardinals first basemen. Plus, you'd have to think that by the time you pick again, Miguel Cabrera, Mark Teixeira and possibly Lance Berkman will all be off the board.
Or don't listen to me. Whatever. Join a league with me and see what happens. Oh, and since this is a blog, I'm obligated by the Blogging Governing Body to mention Chris Brown and Rihanna. Oh Breezy...
UPDATE: It's now being reported that A-Rod also has a torn labrum and if he gets surgery, he'll be out for four months. So yeah...10th round?
But here's the X-factor. What if Alex Rodriguez has been on steroids this whole time? AND, will he try to take HGH to help in his recovery and risk getting caught? For the rest of his career, he will be under a microscope. Now this isn't the time or the place to get into how he was essentially thrown under the bus by having his name released from supposed confidential tests. (Are we ever going to see those other 103 names?) But if you believe him when he said he stopped taking the banned substances before he played for the Yankees, well, you're just a glass full kinda guy/gal. You might be the person to take him with your second pick. Me? I'm shying away from him altogether. Plus he bangs Madonna. Ewwwww.
Finally, you have to factor in the draft process. If you've taken an outfielder and a starting pitcher already, and it's late in the third round? You might be more inclined to take a chance. Also, are you in a snake draft or auction league? Luckily for us in the fantasy baseball world, this announcement came early enough to prepare a strategy.
So now that he's not first pick/round material, who looks like a solid choice? The consensus choice for the top five, in no particular order are David Wright, Jose Reyes, Hanley Ramirez, Albert Pujols and Ryan Braun. All upper echelon talents to be sure. At first glance you could make a case for any one of them especially since only two of them play the same position. But take a closer look at those names. Now, remember how Bud Selig is big ol' pile of suckage. All but one of those guys has their March calenders filled with a little something extra besides spring training.
The World Baseball Classic.
Take a quick look at the stats of major league players from three years ago that participated in the WBC. Notice something a little odd? Maybe at bats are down? Hmmm? Power numbers not looking so hot?
Albert Pujols was the only one of the top five candidates to say nope.com (copyright Kevin and Bean) this year. And his stats won't suffer because of it. Sure Hanley Ramirez is 25 years old, but come early August, he's going to be feeling more fatigued than Pujols. Yeah, Wright, Braun and Reyes are all young too, but for me, Pujols is the answer. No one has been more consistent than the Cardinals first basemen. Plus, you'd have to think that by the time you pick again, Miguel Cabrera, Mark Teixeira and possibly Lance Berkman will all be off the board.
Or don't listen to me. Whatever. Join a league with me and see what happens. Oh, and since this is a blog, I'm obligated by the Blogging Governing Body to mention Chris Brown and Rihanna. Oh Breezy...
UPDATE: It's now being reported that A-Rod also has a torn labrum and if he gets surgery, he'll be out for four months. So yeah...10th round?
the chris brown/rihanna story is right in my wheelhouse. i wish we still played fafarazzi.
Oh hey Scott, I'd totally join a league with you except YOU IGNORED MY TWO EMAILS AND LEAGUE INVITE.
Wtf, does no one except for Jeff want to play fantasy baseball with me now?
Kate, is it true that no one even knows where she is right now? And James, I haven't check my email in three weeks. I just joined the league Jeff started. Let me know the details of your league and if there are still spots available. I also love how we are using the blog comments to communicate with each other. We need to find a way to get other people to read this darn thing.
Check your God damn email then!
There are still spots available, 8 to be exact. It's a 16 deep league with people who will stick with it the whole season and lots of shit talking/bragging rights.
And Rihanna's whereabouts are known. Right back in Chris Brown's arms. Terrible.
Yeah, she is back with Chris Brown (so he can salvage his career by showing the world that she still loves him etc.) but she changed her email and phone numbers so her family can't get in touch with her and has no idea where she is.
Kind of like how you never check your email, Scrob.
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