Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tyler Durden hearts Sabermetrics

Brad Pitt and his Ocean's Eleven director Steven Soderbergh are set to reteam for a movie adaptation of Michael Lewis' bestselling book Moneyball: The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game. Soderbergh is in talks to direct the film in which Pitt is slated to star as Oakland A's general manager, Billy Beane.

Somewhere, Joe Morgan is crying and masterbating using his tears as lubricant.

Okay, go back to not caring about this blog anymore.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Uh ohhhhhh

During the Celtics game yesterday, Tommy Heinsohn and Mike Gorman on Comcast Sports Net were not giving Leon ANY love. After one stretch of a couple great assists and steals from Leon, he missed a shot. Tommy's only comment was "Gotta make those baskets, Leon." Moments later, Patrick O'Bryant came in and played a couple minutes of terrible basketball, which was met with "God, this kid is great to watch!!" from Tommy and Mike. Ugh. Methinks the Doc hate for Leon has spread to the homer announcers. Better get your agent ready, Leon.. doesn't look like Boston will make a place for you next year.

P.S. This morning, Sportscenter: "In the abscence of KG, Leon Powe really shined yesterday." Take that, terrible people who hate Leon.

Sunday, February 1, 2009