Friday, February 20, 2009

What To Expect When You're Expecting No Posts

So as we've commented on already, we haven't been posting much, but I'm planning to change that. As the resident football correspondent (at least now that James has gone MIA) I'll admit I'm one of the losers that gets jazzed for the NFL Combine and all of its meaninglessness each year. One thing is different this year than most though... due to my switch RCN (note: EFF YOU COMCAST) I actually have the NFL Network now! So I can watch guys run fast and jump high! In HD!!

I plan to watch the workouts for each of the position groups and put up some posts breaking down anything notable that stands out from each workout. Why would you bother listening to me when hundreds of other sites (including ones full of professionals who actually know what they're talking about) are doing the same thing? Because I'll focus more on hilarious names and facial hair than actual performance, and that's information you can't afford to miss. Let's just say I was touting Ashton Youboty (hee hee, it sounds like booty!) for first overall pick a couple seasons ago.

Oh, and will all the sweating, grunting, and disc herniating this next week, let's try and have a little sympathy for the little guy that takes the brunt of it all... the tackling dummy. Hang in there buddy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Addition by Subtraction

I'll let the above picture speak for itself. Okay, so it's not like Sam I Am was actually doing anything to hurt the Celtics on the court this year, but I take some comfort in the fact that he won't be able to. That's right, the Celtics traded away Sam Cassel to Sacramento for a "heavily protected" second round pick. Really? Second round picks can come heavily protected? What the hell for?

Anyway, while I understand and appreciate that KG and Cassel are supposed to be buddies, and he's like having another coach (party because he's almost 40) and yadda yadda yadda... it's nice that they were able to dump some salary for a guy who doesn't even get on the court. And if we do get a 2nd round pick out of it, we've all seen what Danny Ainge can do with those (see: Davis, Powe, Gomes).

Thanks for your time with the team Sam. Who knows, maybe it was your advice that helped Rondo mature to where he is now as a player. I'm just glad I don't have to see your face on a regular basis anymore. As far as I'm concerned you can take your freaky alien face and your testicle dance and move on back to the left coast.

PS: Scrob, it ain't dead yet. I'm still in if you are. Love, Adam Man.