Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Love You, Universal HD

Unlike my colleague Billy, I have been thoroughly enjoying the Olympics this year. If for no other reason I enjoy being able to, at any moment in the day, flip the channel and see somebody do something better than anyone else in the world. One of my best surprises was finding out that a second channel, besides NBC, was showing content 'round the clock. What's even better, they tend to have the typically less-aired events. I've seen boxing, equestrian, water polo, handball, and more.

So tonight I'm folding my laundry and decide "hey, why not liven up this mind-numbing task with some O-Lympic excitement!" Seeing that NBC has switched over to "news" I got to my trusty new friend, Universal HD. And what do I see?

That's right. Olympic freakin RACE WALKING. It's not that I've never heard of the sport before... I used to watch Malcom in the Middle just like you did. I've just never seen people who take it seriously in action. Emphasis not on the action.

I have to say I'm riveted to my set as I watch these brave athletes fight through the torrential downpour that's surely making it slightly less comfortable to walk in. I mean, have you ever walked for a while after stepping in a puddle? Yuck, no thanks. Walk on you brave soldiers.

The best part has been listening to these announcers fill over 30 minutes with commentary. I now know that international officials hold up signs to warn competitors that they are breaking form... that the race walking fans are an "intense, tight knit community"... that they had to put down a new surface because the walkers complained that the asphalt was "too hard"... and that competitors apparently chat it up during competitions. And of course I've been treated to such quips as "Kaniskina is really WALKING away with this one..." and "It looks like she's taking a WALK in the park". Oh Olympic commentating B Z Team... you clever bastards.

At least now I know that long distance race walkers get the same weird, creepy abs that all elite distance track stars get (see below). So, I've got that goin for me. Which is nice.

Also, nice tan lines. I know there's not much sun in England, but DAMN.

EDIT: Just heard "In a moment we'll see just exactly how wide her gap is." Giggity.

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