It's okay James. Everything will be okay. I just feel bad that you spent 1000+ words in vain. For overconfidence to lead to that much carpal tunnel.... my heart goes out to you man. It is a bit ironic though, since just a week ago I had posted a lengthy self-deprecating article about my struggling team, and they went on to win in a blowout... yet your prediction of a blowout let to a crushing defeat that puts the Colts 4 games back in the division. Sad. Oh by the way, the Titans read your article and they have something they'd like to say...

But I'm not writing here to make fun of James. I'm writing to brag. Brag that I've finally figured it out. The NFL that is. I got it guys. I finally understand. This week, I went 11-3 in my office pool, and won for the first time in the 2 years I've been taking part. That includes my pick of Indy to win last night. So really James, I feel your pain. I simply won instead of dominating. It also includes my pick of Cleveland, which I forgot to duplicate on my post here. Even if I give up that one, that's 10-4. To match my 10-4 from last week. So in my office I'm 21-7 for weeks 7 and 8, 75% right. That includes my picks of St. Louis over Dallas, Oakland over the Jets, Miami over Buffalo, and Cleveland over Jacksonville. I'm not here to rub in the fact that James is 15-13 over that same period. I'm just trying to say that I'm awesome.

One more quick note... I am pretty impartial about who wins this World Series, but I was on my feet screaming at BJ Upton to make it home last night. Then I was immediately screaming at Joe Maddon to demand the umps suspend the game. There's no way they should have been playing in that storm... but it would have been a crime if the World Series was decided by rain ending a game in the 6th. I also think that the rule should be amended after this post-season that there is no such thing as an "official game" in the World Series that isn't a full one. And to any Phillies fan that wishes they would have just called it in their favor while they had the lead last night... shame on you. That's no way to win.
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