9:55pm: After braving some Java-related issues and a couple Jack and Coke's, I enter the draft room. There ended up being 12 teams in the league.. not too shabby, ladies. Since I have drafted in the worst possible spot in every draft this year, why not get assigned the 10th pick? I begin to ponder if I should take FrankGoreMarshawnLynchClintonPortis, or live dangerously and go for Tony Romo or Randy Moss. Hmmmm.
10:00: First pick = LDT.. second pick = Brian Westbrook. FINALLY a league where AP goes where he should (#3 overall). Oh right.. we all listen to the same podcast, so we all have the same rankings.. uh ohhhhh.
10:02: Alex Roman is picking now, right before me. I have a sneaking suspicion she is auto-drafting.. best available is Clinton Portis, and I get ready to become a certified Romo-sexual for the third year in a row..
10:02:30: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Alex Roman had been quiet in the chat so that she could fly under the radar and steal Tony Romo from me. Sob. Also, I know it is ridiculous to take Tony Romo at number 10 overall, but I wanted to. I am almost sick of drafting at this point, so I just wanted to do crazy things instead of logical things. Also, crazy > logic is allowed in the Chick's League.
10:03: I take Randy Moss. Blah.
10:05: The snake draft.. loves it.. Gore, Portis, P. Manning, and T.O. go.. Back to me.. oh heyyy, Ryan Grant.
10:06: I am in a funk about my team. I hate not having a great RB, but it's impossible to grab with the 10th pick. Oh well.
10:20: The snake draft.. hates it. Very mediocre RB and WR talent left (sorry, Larry Johnson and Willis McGahee). Big Ben it is!
10:22: Darren McFadden (whom I will be referring to as Run DMC for the remainder of the season, fyi) on the turnaround! I have a ridiculous, unhealthy amount of love for this guy.
10:28: Chatting with the other girls in the league as I wait for my next pick.. oddly, most of us started playing fantasy sports when a boyfriend's league needed an extra person.. now we're all full-on dorks. And none of us are still dating the guys who got us into fantasy football. Conclusion: fantasy football kills relationships!! League consensus about tonight's NFL game was that a.) Eli Manning is still Eli Manning, b.) We are worried about Jason Campbell and c.) Can interesting games please start?? Come on, Sunday.
10:32: Rule number one of drafting: Do not take any RB/WR from Denver. Mike Shanahan hates your fantasy team. Whoops.... hi there, Selvin Young.
10:34: I am the millionth person to use this joke, but whatever: Ricky Williams... smoke em if you got em.
10:35: Back to the chat, which is now clearly a discussion among twelve chicks. A short journey into our world: Is Tony Romo attractive, or do we just think so because he's famous/rich? (He's legitimately cute, in a boyish way, but he shouldn't date Jessica Simpson anymore) Is Tom Brady a jerk for dating Giselle right after dumping baby mama Bridget Moynahan? (Whatever, Tom Brady can do whatever he wants) Is it okay that we sometimes draft a guy because he's attractive? (Yes, since no one unattractive is good at anything anyways).
10:44: On the heels of the 'drafting attractive guys' discussion, I reluctantly take Chris Cooley, with the disclaimer that this pick is NOT based on his looks. Or, judging from the game earlier tonight, anything else.
10:47: It's all downhill after you take Kenny Watson in the 8th round and the chat has returned to the subject of 'How hot is Tony Romo,' so here is the rest of my team, round by round:
9th round: Anthony Gonzalez
10th round: Reggie Brown
11th round: Seattle Defense
12th round: Aaron Rodgers
13th round: Bobby Engram (yeah, I know he's out for 6-8 weeks.. it's the 13th round, chill)
14th round: Justin Gage
15th round: Kevin Boss (promptly dropped for a kicker.. I forget who.)
This week I am playing Tomilee, who has a pretty solid team, featuring P. Manning, Portis, Bush, Hines Ward, and Greg Jennings.
I hope I don't lose to a girl.
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