But time moved on. Many assumed he'd get a gig in front of the camera as an analyst on one of the 6,497 football shows on tv. The Packers even drafted Briam Brohm to make sure Rodgers still had the fire in him and to let him know the job wasn't just going to be handed to him. And if something happened to Rogers, Brohm could step up. Hell, it was announced that Favre was going to be on the cover of Madden '09 because it wouldn't matter if the curse hit him or not, because he was out of the game.
Now word has come out today that he has an "itch" to come back and play.
I don't need to go over the guy's career stats with you. Yes, I know, he was a very, very good quarterback and will have a spot shined and ready for him in the Hall of Fame. But dude, enough is enough. How is the franchise ever going to succeed if there are lingering sentiments of a Favre return? Coach Mike McCarthy even admitted he tried to talk Number 4 out of retirement. He has played it down for the most part saying it's just a rumor. That really isn't doing it for me. If you aren't going to come back, be clear about it. Espn.com is reporting that a Packer source has told them:
"Favre has communicated his potential desire to coach Mike McCarthy but talks have not advanced to a substantive stage."
I don't even want to know their definition of substantive. The thing is, Brett might really be done with playing the game of football. But you know ESPN is going to jump at every tidbit of info regarding some Ali-like return. Fueling the flames as it were. When he gave his retirement speech, there just wasn't an air of finalty to the whole thing. Training camp starts in roughly a month. If Rogers (or Brohm) and the Packers want to make anything out of this season, they need to do it without Favre looming in the shadows like some old creep with popsicles in his basement. He made his mark on the game, but now, he needs to do the right thing and reassure everyone-the fans, the organization, the coach and his former teammates-that he is 100% retired. Those two years remaining on his contract will go untouched. He wll even call Ben Stiller looking for work if that's what it takes. I am not a Packers fan by any stretch of the imagination, but c'mon Brett. Let ESPN blow up some other story. Let Aaron Rodgers at least have the chance to win Packers fans over. Let the past be the past.
Gee, all this talk about the NFL is getting me pumped for the season. I can't wait for the first Monday Night Game. Wonder who's playing...
I know this is probably another case of ESPN hyping up any Favre-related story they can find, but really, Brett. Rationally, this is a no-win situation for him. He retired after a surprisingly successful season, with no major injuries, and more fan support than ever before (if that's even possible). If he comes back, he'll have to decide if he'll return to Green Bay and possibly make Aaron Rodgers slit his wrists, or if he'll finagle a release from his Green Bay contract to get a deal elsewhere, making Packers fans slit their wrists. Secondly, what's he playing for? A Super Bowl win? Not to say it's impossible (either with Green Bay or with one of the 27 NFL teams that currently have a hole at "quarterback with actual football skill"), but COME ON. The man makes arthritis commercials that run during his games! Maybe Brett needs a new hobby... I hear drinking is a good one.
P.S. Not too soon.
I, personally, do not want to know anything about this old man's "itch," or where it may be emanating from.
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